The objectives of the Kawana Forest Residents’ Association are:

  1. To listen to our members and provide a cohesive voice to represent the aspirations, needs and issues of our unique community in a non-partisan manner.
  2. To protect, enhance, preserve and promote the natural, built and social environment within Kawana Forest – looking after our shared assets.
  3. To foster a sense of belonging, community connectivity, pride and neighbourliness throughout our community.
  4. To be a resource, providing timely information and education on matters of relevance to our community.
  5. To promote equal opportunities for all to be a part of, and contribute to the well-being of the Kawana Forest community.

KaFRA Membership

KaFRA annual membership is open to all residents and property owners in the estate.  To join, there is a simple KaFRA Membership Application form to be completed.  Email your completed form to

When does KaFRA meet?  KaFRA meets four times a year.  If you would like to raise something, use our form or message us via Facebook messenger.